Reasons for Redevelopment
Since it was acquired from the Church of Scotland in the late 1970s the Community Hall has become a focus for an extensive range of activities. It has been and remains the primary focus for social events and a venue for social groups, clubs, organisations, religious & church groups and charity fund-raising events .
It is also the location for various Local, Scottish and UK Government matters and those of other statutory bodies such as the local Community Council. Following the closure of our village shop and the village Post Office, the Community Hall is vital to the future social and physical health of this small but vibrant community.
The facilities within the Hall were developed in the 1970s and reflect the statutory regulations in force at that time; the enormous changes that have taken place in the intervening years, in such fields as Health & Safety and Hygiene, have been reflected in the management procedures of the hall but the physical and working environment and facilities are no longer ‘fit for purpose’. Likewise the need for cost effective heating and energy conservation demand the redevelopment and enhancement of the Hall and its associated facilities.
With these factors in mind, the Hall has undergone a programme of upgrades and improvements over the past few years. The list of these upgrades is extensive, and includes -
Re-roofing of the small hall extension
Double glazing of extension
Complete redecoration of extension
Replacement of double glazing units of Main Hall
Refinishing of floor of Main Hall
Complete redecoration of Main Hall to include entrance vestibule
Installation of sound - absorbing panels to ceiling of Main Hall
Installation of external storage unit to Hall including all associated building works
Installation of commercial grade extraction units to Main Hall and Extension
Upgrading of associated electrical systems
Hard landscaping to rear of Hall to facilitate installation of external storage
Installation and redesign of new kitchen facilities
Renewal and re-siting of toilet facilities
Creation of new access passageway between Main Hall and extension.
Funding for these developments have been achieved through the efforts of the Community Association itself, with significant support from Aberdeenshire Council, Awards for All and The Portsoy Thrift shop. Other funders included Age Scotland, The Cooperative Community Fund, Deveron Age Concern and various local donors.
Fordyce Community Hall has become a popular venue for Weddings, parties and concerts over the past few years, as well as continuing to provide a venue for its more traditional uses.